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Version: 0.80.2


The GetHttpRequestRecipe can be used to make GET requests to an endpoint, filter for the specific part of the response you care about, and assign that specific output to a key for later use. This can be useful for writing assertions, for example (i.e. validating the response you end up receiving looks the way you expect/intended).

get_request_recipe = GetHttpRequestRecipe(
# The port ID that is the server port for the request
port_id = "my_port",

# The endpoint for the request
endpoint = "/endpoint?input=data",

# The extract dictionary can be used for filtering specific parts of a HTTP GET
# request and assigning that output to a key-value pair, where the key is the
# reference variable and the value is the specific output.
# Specifcally: the key is the way you refer to the extraction later on and
# the value is a 'jq' string that contains logic to extract parts from response
# body that you get from the HTTP GET request.
# To lean more about jq, please visit
extract = {
"extractfield" : "",

Important - the port_id field accepts user-defined port IDs that are assigned to a port in a service's port map, using ServiceConfig. For example, if our service's ServiceConfig has the following port mappings:

    test-service-config = ServiceConfig(
ports = {
// "port_id": port_number
"http": 5000,
"grpc": 3000,

The user-defined port IDs in the above ServiceConfig are: http and grpc. Both of these user-defined port IDs can therefore be used to create http request recipes (GET OR POST), such as:

    recipe = GetHttpRequestRecipe(
port_id = "http",
service_name = "service-using-test-service-config",
endpoint = "/ping",

The above recipe, when used with request or wait instruction, will make a GET request to a service (the service_name field must be passed as an instruction's argument) on port 5000 with the path /ping.